On-site solution to convert infectious healthcare waste into municipal waste in a matter of minutes.

• Hospitals
• Clinical laboratories
• Research centers
• Dialysis centers
• Geriatrics
• Pharmaceutical / biotechnology industry
• Blood banks
• Medium HIPAA Conf.


STERIPLUS™ 80 – the most modern on-site incineration-free solution.

STERIPLUS™ 80 is a small solution for treating infectious hospital waste using a 134-138 ° C thermal process with 3.5-3.8 bar pressure for 10 minutes that simultaneously shreds, sterilizes and destroys HIPAA media in a compact environment . Transform waste (bio-pollutants / biomedical) including sharp and pointed objects, into sterilized household waste in a matter of minutes!

A global solution for waste treatment
• At an affordable price, with no unexpected surcharges thanks to our extended warranty.

In situ
• Small in size, with immediate destruction of infectious waste, less risk of liability.

• Safer for patients, employees and the general public. More effective prevention against possible pandemics.

• Efficient operability. Sterilization of all processed materials including sharp and pointed objects.
• Customer satisfaction.

The unit is economically cost effective, easy to use and install, fully automatic, provided with an operational touch screen with web based monitored supervision. The STERIPLUS™ 80 has a capacity of 80 liters, which is equivalent to about 8-10 kg (max) of liquid and solid type infectious waste (larger amounts of liquids of any type considerably extend the treatment time, approx. 30 to 35 additional minutes).

A typical operating cycle for a STERIPLUS™ 80 works as follows:

Waste collection -> Waste loading -> Preheating -> Air evacuation -> Steam treatment -> Steam discharge -> Discharge.

Types of waste according to the European Waste Catalog (WHO name is outlined in parentheses):

• 18.01.01 sharp and pointed objects (according to WHO, sharp and pointed objects).
• 18.01.02 blood containers and blood absorbing materials (according to WHO pathological residues).
• 18.01.03 wastes whose collection and storage are subject to special protocols in order to avoid the spread of infections (eg bandages, casts, white clothes, gowns, diapers (according to WHO low-risk waste or residual general practitioners).
• 18.01.09 other medicines not mentioned in 18.01.06 and 10.01.08.
• 15.01.11 metal containers, with the exception of vacuum containers for VOC's.
Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC's), chemotherapy and radiological waste should NOT be treated in the STERIPLUS™ 80.

Security against infection risks:

The STERIPLUS™ 80 offers many security features:
• Each time the machine lid is opened, a quantity of hot steam is emitted.
• Gas discharges are filtered through a 0.2 µ microbiological filter system, pass through a condenser and are treated with bubbling.
• The shredder and its components are sterilized in each cycle with saturated steam.
• A separate container holds the liquids. The liquids are poured into the drain pipe after a second treatment.
• Bowie - Dick test.

Microbiological inactivation:
• -8log10

The advantages of STERIPLUS™ 80:

• Steam treatment is a proven technology with long and successful experience.
• The technology is easy to use and understand by hospital staff.
• It is a safe and fully automated process (with the exception of loading and unloading).
• STERIPLUS™ 80 has been approved or accepted in most countries as a valid technology for the treatment of medical waste.
• The time and temperature parameters used in the STERIPLUS™ 80 ensure high levels of disinfection.
• STERIPLUS™ 80 is capable of sterilizing up to 8-10 kg of dry material in approx. 30-35 minutes in each cycle (please ask for more information) and has been conceived for use in dialysis centers and small hospitals.
• The investment cost in the STERIPLUS™ 80 is very low and very favorable compared to other waste collection costs.
• STERIPLUS™ 80 has one of the best quality/price ratios on the market.
• STERIPLUS™ 80 is the most compact unit in the world with an integrated crusher.
• STERIPLUS™ 80 is very easy to handle, with a drastic reduction in moving parts, which is reflected in very low maintenance costs.
• STERIPLUS™ 80 has a large touch screen and a thermal printer.